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Sunday, April 12, 2020

The First Robin of Spring

Even in the craziest of times, small moments can creep in and give you a moment of hope. Ours came in the feathered lines of a little robin redbreast. I can think of no other symbol of spring that could be more welcome. She quite likes our lawn, as ours is one of the first to lose it's snow. She (I'm assuming, of course) finds comfort in our raised lawn, that keeps her away from the sidewalk and near the safety of our yet leafless bushes.

She looks quite like this one.
She comes every morning now, looking for worms and other treats. She particularly likes the sunshine. I'm afraid she's in for a bit of a nasty surprise, as we're in for a bit of snow over the next few days. I, for one, am glad she's here. It augers well for the coming spring and we are both looking forward to warmer temperatures and longer days. 

Here's to gardening, barbecues and the lifting of social distancing and the passing of this virus. The world continues to turn and we will find the sun.

UPDATE: It did, indeed snow, but it's mostly gone once again and the sun is out and shining. Happy Easter to all.