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Saturday, May 9, 2020

Self-discovery During Quarantine

Confession time, I'm pretty lazy. I can watch TV almost all day without it bothering me. (Lucky me, right?) Of course, I'm getting older, so my body doesn't appreciate sloth come sleep time. If I don't get some exercise, then I get leg twinges or aches, which sucks, but, at least, I know how to stave them off. ( horrible.)

During our self-isolation, I discovered some things about myself that surprised me. I do not like audio books. (I'm sorry, was that a collective gasp? I know a lot of devotees.) I'd never have guessed, because I love books. Now, I can see the benefit if you're doing something else: driving, running, knitting etc, but I just doesn't work for me to sit and listen to someone (especially with the wrong voice) read me a story when I've nothing else to do. 

I do, however, enjoy an afternoon "beverage" and snack, probably more than I should. I'm also over the moon that we have the sun porch, as it gives us a window to the outside world and its happenings, even on a limited basis. We have a bevy of...unique...personages that frequent our downtown neighbourhood, so it keeps things interesting.
View from the sun porch
I've found that after an initial rush of "get things done", I've petered off. Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow, right? Unless the sun is out and then our little garden calls, the dirty windows beg to be cleaned and fresh airs seduces us to wanton acts of being outside. (Another gasp?)
We still have to deal with this crap.

Speaking of going outside, have become terrible. A month and a half in slippers and all of a sudden shoes are these horrible restrictive devices that make my feet hurt after being in them for more than half an hour. What's with that?

I'm sure there will be other things that come to light in the strange days of COVID-19. Have you had any epiphanies? 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ron's Big Dinner

Milestone birthdays are a bit strange. What makes it a milestone? Every year is the only year we'll be that particular age, so why is one year any different from the others? I think it's a legitimate question and yet, I acknowledge that we still mark certain ages as more noteworthy than others.
Wicked tall wine glasses are gifts
We were supposed to be travelling in South East Asia this year, as we've got a whole host of "important" dates...we like to call it our "big year", but then we relocated to New Brunswick and there's the whole COVID-19 thing happening, so here we are in Moncton, watching our hair grow and the grass get greener and generally contemplating our navel lint. It seems that our big year is going to be a big bust, but I refuse to surrender...yet.
Masks from friends
Because I have so much time on my hands, and one of the way's I show love is to cook, I started imagining Ron's perfect dinner, not his death row meal, but a meal that would incorporate as much of his favourite foods as possible and how to make it all special. The result? Ron's Almost Perfect 8 Course Dinner.

What was the craziest part? I decided I'd actually execute it. I don't think a general has ever gone into a battle more prepared than I, to tackle this challenge. And I actually pulled it off. Was everything perfect? Heaven's no, but it was all really good, the plating was attractive and the hot food was hot and the cold food not. (Yes, I'm giving myself a bit of a pat on the back.) I think he enjoyed it, as did our friends and we certainly enjoyed having a bit of company, now that some of the restrictions have been lifted.

Without further ado, the meal (missing is the cheese plate as we just forgot to take the picture):
Roasted pepper and smoked gouda

Smoked salmon with capers

Pan seared scallops with crispy onion and
lemon chicken broth

Red pepper bisque

Spring salad with  caramelized onion dressing

Mango sorbet

Roast lamb with mash and roast veg

Lemon tart, chocolate pate and
raspberry mousse
Most of it came off really well, and the few problems were dealt with and no one was the wiser. Did I mention we did wine pairings? Oh, hell yes. (I lost my mind, somewhere in the planning, but except for one wine, (a rose with the salad I switched from a citrus dressing to onion and apple cider vinegar...oops) it was paired fairly nicely. I might try it again, but no time soon. The planning took well over a month, but that's why "self-isolation" worked, in this case. So, happy birthday, dearest. Glad you enjoyed the culinary adventure.