Well, despite a neck and neck race to the finish, it looks like Ron will get his ride on mower, a last minute email vote came through, breaking the tie. I really thought the goats had it, they led through most of the survey with the mower catching up and passing every once in a while. (And who could say "no" to fresh goat cheese?)
Let's be honest, though, are we really going to deny a man - who's worked 36 plus years for the same company - the joy of a big boy toy, survey or no? I admit, the survey was a sham...but then, throwing in the goat option, pretty well shot Ron in the mower (so to speak), so it all evens out in the end. If anyone out there knows a thing or two about said mowers, we could use some insight, as we've never even owned a regular mower. We had a broken down push mower in Cumberland, but we mainly used the weed whacker. Yes, we both know how to
USE a lawn mower, we aren't complete neophytes! If you have an opinion (regarding lawn mower options) let us know.
Not what Ron is hoping for. |
Happy Ron. |
Collette and Wil had a ride on mower in mission get the info while you are visiting.