Yet some more time has passed since our last post. Here on the Island many things change rapidly and yet, everything stays the same. (Sorry if that sounds trite, but honestly, it's the truth.) Most of the flowers have come and gone, but we have some hold outs in our hydrangea, day lilies and other bushes that I don't know the name of. The bird life is very active here and we daily witness the battle for the bird feeder (both seed and sugar water). The hummingbirds are the dare devils of aerial manoeuvres, as they all seem to take the same stand "Step away! Get your own feeder!" Its fascinating to watch them hover with their tail spread trying to look threatening. I don't imagine it helps when I laugh and say "Aren't they cute???"
Stolen shamelessly from the Internet, but ours do look like this. |
We had big news last week, Sami delivered a beautiful little girl. Her name is Mackenzie Grace and I guess that makes Ron and I grandparents. I think it's all very surreal, but we're glad that mother and baby are doing well and are looking forward to hearing all about how Mackenzie is growing and learning. Pictures are pending, as we aren't there to take any! Congratulation Sami & Chris!
Ron has picked up a part time merchandising position. We're hoping it will keep him from being house bound and having the extra the extra money doesn't hurt either. I have yet to make another cake and we aren't sure whether the business will work here, but as previously mentioned in some earlier installation, we haven't really advertised. We didn't plant a garden this year, but we did a couple of planter boxes and Ron grew grass in the places that didn't have any.
I managed to grow the fuzzy thing in the middle. |
My sister and hubbie are due to arrive in a couple of days, so we're preparing for the visit. There is much house cleaning and sprucing going on. Ron is currently hanging the new front storm door and has done most of the hard work on the front porch. It looks really great and suits the house style, unlike the previous incarnation with it's dirty vinyl lattice and unpainted hand rails. The deck is also quasi-level and much more solid. Ron's handyman skills continue to grow. I think at some point he'll be able to build a house. That's all from the wilds of the East Coast, be well and know that we think of you all. Back to vacuuming!
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