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Friday, September 24, 2010

The origin of "Holy Toledo!" another mystery solved.

It was a road day today, we travelled 817.8 kms over miserable roads, through Chicago rush hour and endless constuction zones.  We've paid over $35 in tolls and have more to come as we head in to Boston.  It was a five state day; we drove through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York.

Bug kill: 75 -  I think the word is out about us being notorious serial bug killers and they're all in hiding.

While we loved Chicago (how could you not in such glorious weather?) and plan to go back, we will NEVER, EVER go back to the horrible in between.  Here are certain indesputable truths about Toledo and the outlying environs:
1)  The drivers are horrible; they tail gate, they don't signal, they cut you off and they drive side by side on the highway, so you can't get by.  To little miss Ohio Plate number EBR 2196 in your  cheap red Chevy Cobalt with the tacky spoiler (guilty of all of the previously listed violations) you are a complete LUNATIC and should have your drivers' license revoked permanently.  Feel free, Followers, to post that/email it to who ever may or may not care...perhaps somehow miraculously it might get back to her.
2)  They're mostly fat...and I mean pretty seriously huge guts...not necessarily fat everywhere, but it looks like everyone (men and women alike) are 10 months pregnant...all heart attacks waiting to happen (they put cheese on EVERYTHING here...I'm horrified to say it, but there is such a thing as too much cheese!
3) The motor way gas stations are too can't just go and fill your tank and charge it to your credit card, you need a US zip code or have to pay in round numbers - heaven forbid you should over estimate your gas requirements, they don't give cash back
4) (and most importantly) you have to pay tolls to drive on ridiculously bumpy about adding insult to injury.

No pictures today, crew...I thought I had some of Cleveland, but I can't find them...tomorrow we're hitting good ole bean town.  We're staying three nights, so we can do a bit of laundry, check out the city and get the feeling back in our backsides.  (Maybe a quick trip to the spa...dream on Danica, dream on.)

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